• Headshot portrait of Xulu Sun - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Xulu Sun - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2018

    Home Department: Biology
    Faculty Advisor: Krishna Shenoy
    Talk Title: Systematic changes of neural population activity during curl force field adaptation and generalization
    Event: Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control 2018

  • Headshot portrait of Yael Garten - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Yael Garten - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2011
    Home Department: Biomedical Informatics
    Faculty Advisor: Russ Altman
    Talk Title: Mining the pharmacogenics literature
    Event: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2011

    Awarded in 2010
    Talk Title: Improving the Prediction of Pharmacogenes Using Text-Derived Gene-Drug Relationships
    Event: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2010 - The manuscript of Yael's talk was published in the conference proceedings and indexed by MEDLINE. She was also asked to co-chair a workshop the following year, which she did at the 2011 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing in Hawaii.
  • Headshot photo of a smiling white male faculty member with glasses, Dr. Yair Blumenfeld, Professor of OBGYN at Stanford University.

    Yair Blumenfeld - Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine)

    Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

    Dr. Yair Blumenfeld is a Professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His clinical focus is management of high-risk pregnancies in the outpatient and inpatient settings, including comprehensive prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care. He serves as the fetal therapy domain lead for the Dunlevie Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center for Discovery, Innovation and Clinical Impact, as well as the Director of Fetal Therapy at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.

  • Headshot portrait of Yan Gong - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Yan Gong - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2018

    Home Department: Biology
    Faculty Advisor: Dominique Bergmann
    Talk Title: Discovery and characterization of asymmetric protein localization regulators in the stomatal lineage
    Event: 29th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research

  • Headshot portrait of Yan Wu - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Yan Wu - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2022
    Home Department: Bioengineering
    Faculty Advisors: Michael Lin (Neurobiology and Bioengineering), Nathanael Gray (Chemical & Systems Biology), and Michelle Monje (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)
  • Headshot portrait of Yang Hu - Professor of Ophthalmology

    Yang Hu - Professor of Ophthalmology

    Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

    The ultimate goal of Dr. Yang Hu's laboratory is to develop efficient therapeutic strategies to achieve CNS neural repair, through promoting neuroprotection, axon regeneration and functional recovery.

    Specifically, they are using state-of-the-art tools and creating novel tools to study retinal ganglion cell (RGC) and optic nerve in various optic neuropathies including traumatic, glaucomatous and inflammatory optic nerve injuries, to fully understand the molecular mechanisms of CNS neurodegeneration and axon regeneration failure.

  • Headshot portrait of Yang Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Yang Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2006

    Home Department: Biomedical Informatics
    Faculty Advisor: Henry Lowe
    Talk Title: A Standards-Based Approach to Represent Clinical Documents
    Event: 10th China Hospital Information Network Conference

  • Headshot portrait of Yangju Lin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Yangju Lin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2022

    Home Department: Chemical Engineering
    Faculty Advisor: Zhenan Bao
    Talk Title: Dynamic enamine-one bonds enabled sustainable polymeric materials
    Event: ACS Fall Meeting 2022

    Supported by The Matthew Frank Family
