Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Bryant's laboratory seeks to understand the physical mechanisms by which these nanoscale machines convert chemical energy into mechanical work.
Zhenan Bao - K. K. Lee Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor (by courtesy) of Materials Science & Engineering and Chemistry
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyResearch areas in the Bao Group include synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials, organic electronic device design and fabrication, and applications development for organic electronics. -
Zhengzhi Liu - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2019Home Department: Radiology
Faculty Advisor: Craig Levin
Talk Title: Simultaneous dual isotope ToF-PET imaging
Event: 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and 26th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (RTSD)
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family -
Zhenqing Ouyang - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2009Home Department: Biology
Faculty Advisor: Wing Wong
Talk Title: Statistical analysis of gene regulation from high-throughput genomic data
Event: Intl Workshop on Probability Theory, Statistics, and Their Applications to Biology 2009 -
Zhiao Yu - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2021Home Department: Chemistry
Faculty Advisor: Zhenan Bao
Talk Title: Iterative Solvent Molecule Tuning for High-Performance Lithium Metal Battery Electrolytes”
Event: 2021 MRS Fall Meeting -
Zhiru Liu - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student FellowAwarded in 2022
Home Department: Applied Physics
Faculty Advisors: Benjamin Good (Applied Physics) and Ami Bhatt (Medicine - Hematology and Genetics) -
Zhiru Liu - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2024Home Department: Applied Physics
Faculty Advisor: Benjamin Good
Talk Title: Correlations between mutations under recurrent genetic hitchhiking
Event: 2024 American Physical Society March MeetingAwarded in 2022
Talk Title: Dynamics of bacterial recombination in the human gut microbiome
Event: 2022 APS March Meeting - Zhiru's talk was awarded the APS Shirley Chan Student Travel Award. -
Zihuai He - Assistant Professor (Research) of Neurology and of Medicine (BMIR)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. He's research is concentrated in the area of statistical genetics and integrative analysis of omics data, attempting to develop new statistical methodologies that aid with the identification and interpretation of complex biological pathways involved in human diseases, particularly neurological disorders. -
Zijie Sun - Professor of Urology, Emeritus
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyThe Sun lab focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of transcription factors that govern the transformation of normal mammalian cells to a neoplastic state. -
Zimin Qian - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2023 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: undeclared
Mentor: Andrea Goldstein-Piekarski (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - Sleep Medicine)