Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. McMahan's lab uses three-dimensional reconstructions of tissue sections generated by electron microscope tomography to study the organization and behavior of macromolecules at the nervous systems synapses.
Uchechukwuka Monu - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2016Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Brian Hargreaves and Garry Gold
Talk Title: A Method to Quantitatively Compare Bone and Cartilage Changes Post Knee Injury: Initial Results
Event: International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Imaging 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition - Uche's work was awarded the Magna Cum Laude Merit Award, which was granted to the top 15% of submitted abstracts in the same category. -
Ubah Dimbil - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2013 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: Biology
Supported by: Dean of Research and Pitch and Catherine Johnson
Mentor: Jill Helms, Professor of Surgery (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery) -
Tyler Yang - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2024 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: undeclared
Mentor: Michael Snyder (Genetics) -
Tyler Shibata - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2019 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: Chemistry
Mentor: Gerlinde Wernig, Pathology -
Tyler Kukla - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2019Home Department: Geological Sciences
Faculty Advisor: C Page Chamberlain
Talk Title: Triple oxygen isotope signatures of eocene topographic development
Event: Goldschmidt 2019 -
Tyler Hillman - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student FellowAwarded in 2008
Home Department: Genetics, MSTP
Faculty Advisor: Matthew Scott (Developmental Biology) -
Tyler Dao - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2018 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: Bioengineering
Mentor: Michael Lin, Neurobiology and Bioengineering -
Tyler Cooper - Bio-X Senior Systems Administrator
Bio-X Senior Systems AdministratorTelephone:650-725-7367 -
Tushar Desai - Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Desai's laboratory is interested in understanding how alveolar epithelial type (AT) 1 and AT 2 cells are generated during lung development and replaced in adult life during aging and following injury.