The following checklist should be reviewed by your Unit and customized, as necessary.
Before You Arrive in Lab
- Complete COVID19 Hygiene Best Practices, EHS-2470-WEB in STARS
- Review PPE decontamination and reuse guidelines
- Review work alone guidance
- Take the Health Check survey
First Time You Arrive
- Please note that many doors at the Clark Center have been locked and are no longer accessible by badge. Only 3 doors per floor per wing are accessible, and only by badge.
- Hand sanitizers are available at every accessible door. Please use hand sanitizers before entering the labs.
- Clean the lab and wipe down surfaces. Housekeepers do not clean your benchtops, small or large equipment, etc.
Before You Begin, Evaluate Supplies
- Labs are still required to obtain their normal PPE. Evaluate PPE on hand to perform the work you intend to do.
- What amount do you already have on-hand in the lab?
- What is your expected weekly “burn rate”?
- Can you accommodate existing lab required PPE to complete the work?
- If you cannot, please place orders in advance through your normal procurement channel
- If the orders are in short supply, please contact with a description of your needs.
- Evaluate cleaning materials available in the lab to perform appropriate lab self-care.
- Do you have a sufficient quantity, quality?
- Is it compatible with the equipment and the science in the lab?
- Evaluate other supplies needed to complete your research tasks.
- If PPE or other supplies in your lab are low, and you are unable to obtain them through normal routes, contact Heideh Fattaey, at with a description of your needs.
Core/Service Center Facilities, including the Veterinary Service Center
- Contact the Core Facilities/Service Centers to ensure they are available to support lab needs. (mass spec, FACS analysis, Animal imaging (SCI3)
- Contact VSC at (650) 723-3876 for any animal-related questions.
Hazardous Materials (Chemicals, Biologicals, Radiation, etc.)
Clark Center facilities has walked the lasb 2-3 times a day even on weekend and Holidays
- Walk through the lab space to check if there has been a chemical spill. If you are not comfortable with cleaning up the spill, call Clark Facilities (650-724-3333) for further guidance.
- Resume the quarterly laboratory self-inspection on BioRAFT if your lab missed the March 31st deadline. Be sure to conduct another inspection for the second quarter, due on June 30th.
- Inspect hazardous waste storage. Request EH&S hazardous waste pick-up for any containers which are full or you no longer need. If you were previously participating in the SWEEPS Program for waste pick-up, it will be running at a reduced level in Stage 1, and you should submit pickup requests online using the above link.
- Review the Lab Compliance Cheat Sheet.
- Turn on BSCs or fume hoods, and disinfect surfaces before conducting lab work.
- Set-up new aspirator collection flasks if needed.
- Turn on the Geiger counter and conduct a lab radiation survey if needed.
- Do you have your dosimeter? Replace with a new dosimeter if needed.
- Turn on essential equipment in the lab.
- If cryogen fill is needed, perform it with assistance from another lab member.
- If CO2 is needed for incubators, contact your building manager/facility support services for gas orders.
- Check that equipment restarts and functions appropriately.
- Use the shutdown checklist as a guide for equipment.
- Is calibration needed?
- Do safety devices operate properly?
For Deliveries
- All deliveries must come to the Clark Center Facilities Office in S1.1 until further notice.