October 24, 2008 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Clark Center Auditorium
James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Event Type:
Research Area:
In-Kind Collaborations
Continental Breakfast and Registration
Clark auditorium lobby
Carla J. Shatz, Professor of Biology and Neurobiology; Director, Bio-X Program, Stanford University
Welcome and overview of Bio-X
John Donoghue, Professor of Neuroscience; Executive director of the Brain Science Program, Brown University
Turning Thoughts into Action: Neural Interfaces to Restore Movement in Humans with Paralysis
Vilayanur Ramachandran, Professor of Psychology; Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition, University of California, San Diego
Nature and Nurture of the Human Brain; Theoretical and Clinical Implications
David Corey, Professor and interim chair; Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
Sensing Sound: Biomechanics of the Inner Ear
Nikolas Blevins, Associate Professor (Otolaryngology), Stanford University
Cochlear Implantation: The Current Status of Hearing Restoration through Inner Ear Prostheses
Speaker’s and faculty lunch (by invitation)
Sheila Nirenberg, Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics; Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Testing Hypotheses about Computation and Coding in the Nervous System
Joseph Rizzo, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School
What Level of Vision Might a Retinal Prosthesis Provide to Blind Patients?
Joe Pancrazio, Program Director, Extramural Research Program NIH/NINDS, Neuroscience Center
NINDS Supported Neural Prosthetics: Present and Future Research Opportunities