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Group photo of Stanford Bio-X graduate student fellows.

Applications for the 2016 Stanford Bio-X Graduate Fellowships are now open!


The Bio-X Leadership Council is pleased to announce the 13th annual competition for Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowships and for Stanford Neurosciences Institute (SNI) and ChEM-H Fellowships.

To be considered for review, complete applications must be submitted online, with all required materials emailed or received, not postmarked, by March 9, 2016 at 5pm PST.

Upcoming Events (Click Event to See Details)

Research, Awards, and Highlights
Please visit the Bio-X website for more news updates.

Photo of Dr. Michael Clarke.

Chemotherapy may benefit subgroup of stage-2 colon cancer patients

Feature on research by Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty members Michael Clarke and Matt van de Rijn:
A small subset of colon cancers lacks the CDX2 protein — a hallmark of colon tissue maturation. Patients with these cancers may benefit more than others from chemotherapy.

Graphic image of human heart.

Teen awaiting heart-lung transplant first in western U.S. to undergo novel therapy

Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty member Jeffrey Feinstein:
Listing Oswaldo Jimenez for a transplant was just the beginning. His doctors needed to perform what is referred to as a “bridge-to-transplant” solution, one that would sustain his organs until transplant could be done.

Photo of Dr. Irv Weissman.

How Irv Weissman learned to figure things out

Interview with Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty member Irving Weissman:
Irving Weissman had an unconventional start in science. The son of a hardware store operator and grandson of a fur trader, he learned lifelong lessons in research at the McLaughlin Research Institute in Montana.

Photo of Dr. Lucy Shapiro.

When Lucy Shapiro discovered her true passion

Interview with Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty member Lucy Shapiro:
After a career packed with discoveries, the developmental biologist has turned her attention to the threat of emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Photo of Dr. Arjun Raj.

February 4: Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Speaker: Arjun Raj, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania
Time/Location: 2:00pm, Clark Center Auditorium
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Series partially sponsored by Stanford Bio-X.

Image of Bio-X logo on fluorescence microscopy work.

February 8: Stanford Bio-X Workshop

Acquisition and Analysis Software for Basic to Advanced Microscopy Applications: A Practical Workshop for Open Source Acquisition Soft- ware and for GPU Accel-erated Deconvolution Software for Clear Fluor-escence Images in Real- Time
Time/Location: 10:00am-3:00pm, Clark Center S360
“One-on-One” Sessions with Facilitators: 12:30- 5:00PM: Deconvolution
3:00-5:00PM: Open source imaging software. Bring your image stacks to see them deconvolved.
RSVP Required: open to Stanford faculty, students, researchers, and staff. RSVP by email here!

Photo of Dr. Michael Lin.

February 9: Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Bio- sciences Pre-Seminar

Speaker: Michael Lin, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, of Bioengineering and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University
Attend the pre-seminar to learn more about Thursday's seminar topic!
Time/Location: 12:15pm, Clark Center Room S361
Small lunch to be provided at 12:00pm
Contact: C. Huber

Photo of Dr. David Schaffer.

February 11: Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biosciences Seminar

Speaker: David Schaffer, Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering, and Neuroscience, UC Berkeley
Title: “Novel Technologies to Investigate the Neural Stem Cell Niche”
Time/Location: 12:15pm, Clark Center Room S360
Small lunch to be provided at 12:00pm
Host: Michael Lin, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, of Bioengineering and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University
Contact: C. Huber

Photo of Dr. Long Cai.

February 11: Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Speaker: Long Cai, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, CalTech
Time/Location: 2:00pm, Clark Center Auditorium
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Series partially sponsored by Stanford Bio-X.

Stanford Bio-X Seed Grants Symposium - February 17 1 - 5:30 pm - Clark Center Auditorium

February 17: Stanford Bio-X Seed Grants Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Symposium

Speakers: Drs. Ada Poon, Jin Hyung Lee, Mary Teruel, Ovijit Chaudhuri, Peter Kim, Daniel Spielman, Mark Kay, and Nicholas Melosh
Time/Location: 1:00pm-4:00pm, Clark Center Auditorium
Poster Session: 4:00pm-5:30pm, Nexus Café
Contact: C. Huber
Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty, students, postdocs, and lab members: contact C. Huber to present a poster!

Photo of sheep demonstrating collective behavior.

February 25: Collective Behavior in Biology

First Meeting
Speakers include: Nicholas Ouellette (Civil Engineering); Deborah Gordon (Biology); Dan McFarland (Graduate School of Education); Tobias Meyer (Chemical & Systems Biology); Mary Teruel (Chemical & Systems Biology); Manu Prakash (Bioengineering)
Time/Location: 11:00am-2:00pm, Clark Center S361
Lunch to be provided.
Please RSVP here!
Contact: Daniel Cohen
Series partially sponsored by Stanford Bio-X.

Photo of Drs. Blau and Khavari.

January 28: ReMS Lecture

First Speaker: Helen M. Blau (Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology/ Microbiology & Immunology)
Title: “To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: How to Maintain a Quiescent Stem Cell Pool”
Second Speaker: Paul A. Khavari (Dermatology)
Title: “Genome Shape and Expression in Stem Cell Differentiation in Skin”
Time/Location: 12:00-1:00 PM, Munzer Auditorium
Lecture series sponsored by Bio-X.

Photo of Dr. David Botstein.

February 1: Biology Seminar

Speaker: David Botstein, Calico
Title: “A Geneticist’s View of the Cellular Stress Response at the Systems Level”
Time/Location: 4:00 PM, Clark Center Auditorium

Photo of Steve Stephansen.

February 17: EMBS Meeting

Speaker: Steve Stephansen, CEO, LifeWave Biomedical
Title: “mHealth Physiologic Monitoring Solutions with Ultra Wideband RF Radar”
Time/Location: 7:30 PM, Room M-114, Stanford University Medical School
Optional dinner location: Stanford Hospital cafeteria, 6:15 PM (no host, no reservations)

Graphic image of brain.

Neurotechnologies for Analysis of Neural Dynamics (NAND)

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows:
Neurotechnologies for Analysis of Neural Dynamics (NAND) is an intensive 4-week summer course designed to introduce physicists, mathematicians, engineers and computer scientists to the major questions and techniques of modern neuroscience, with a special emphasis in both lecture and laboratory components on neurotechnologies.
Grants from the NIMH and Burroughs Wellcome Foundation will help to meet the full financial needs of all admitted students.
Course Dates: June 12, 2016 – July 9, 2016
Application Deadline: February 1, 2016
Contact: Alan Gelperin, Princeton University.

Graphic advertising Tissue Engineering Symposium for September 2016.

Stanford University seal, Stanford Bio-X logo, University of Sydney seal, ADATE logo.