Bio-X Affiliated FacultyProfessor Lanier Benkard’s research is in the areas of industrial organization, applied microeconomics, and econometrics.
Aadithya Kannan - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2018Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Gerald Fuller
Talk Title: Dilatation mechanics and bubble coalescence of monoclonal antibody interfaces
Event: Annual European Rheology Conference 2018
Awarded in 2017
Talk Title: Interfacial viscoelasticity of therapeutic protein solutions and The influence of protein- polymeric surfactant interfacial co-adsorption on thin film drainage and bubble coalescence
Event: The Society of Rheology 88th Annual Meeting and the 91st Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry -
Aakash Basu - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student FellowAwarded in 2009
Home Department: Applied Physics
Faculty Advisor: Zev Bryant (Bioengineering) -
Aaron Adam - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2024 Undergraduate Summer Research Program ParticipantHome Department: Biology
Mentor: Jennifer Raymond (Neurobiology) -
Aaron Cravens - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2017Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Christina Smolke
Talk Title: Reconstitution of somatic hypermutation in yeast for targeted evolution
Event: 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Evolution -
Aaron Gitler - Professor of Genetics
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyThe Gitler lab uses the baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a model system to study the cell biology underpinning protein-misfolding diseases. -
Aaron Goodman - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2016Home Department: Biology
Faculty Advisor: Marcus Feldman
Talk Title: Stochastically varying environments promote evolution of modularity and hierarchy in simulated bacterial metabolic networks
Event: 2016 Society of Molecular Biology and EvolutionAwarded in 2015
Talk Title: Evolution of Hierarchy in Bacterial Metabolic Networks
Event: 2015 Society for Molecular and Evolutionary Biology Annual Meeting -
Aaron Hsueh - Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Reproductive and Stem Cell Biology)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyThe Hsueh lab has been investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the hormonal regulation of ovarian follicle growth and differentiation. -
Aaron Kucyi - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2019Home Department: Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Josef Parvizi
Talk Title: Human intracranial electrophysiology of the default, dorsal attention and salience networks
Event: Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2019
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family -
Aaron Lindenberg - Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and of Photon Science
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Aaron Lindenberg's research is focused on visualizing the ultrafast dynamics and atomic-scale structure of materials on femtosecond and picosecond time-scales. X-ray and electron scattering and spectroscopic techniques are combined with ultrafast optical techniques to provide a new way of taking snapshots of materials in motion.