• Headshot portrait of Justin Foster - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Justin Foster - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2011

    Home Department: Electrical Engineering
    Faculty Advisor: Krishna Shenoy
    Talk Title: Combining wireless neural recording and video capture for the analysis of natural gait
    Event: IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 2011

  • Headshot portrait of Justin Solomon - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Justin Solomon - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2014
    Home Department: Computer Science
    Faculty Advisor: Leonidas Guibas
    Talk Title: Wasserstein propagation for semi-supervised learning
    Event: 2014 International Conference on Machine Learning

    Awarded in 2013
    Talk Title: Dirichlet energy for analysis and synthesis of soft maps
    Event: 2013 Symposium on Geometry Processing

    Awarded in 2012
    Talk Titles: Introduction to shape analysis and correspondence and Flexible developable surfaces
    Event: 2012 Symposium on Geometry Processing

    Awarded in 2011
    Talk Title: Discovery of intrinsic primitives on triangle meshes
    Event: Eurographics 2011: 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics

  • Headshot portrait of Kacey Sachen - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Kacey Sachen - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2010

    Home Department: Medicine and Oncology
    Faculty Advisor: Ron Levy
    Talk Title: Evidence for antigen recognition in the pathogenesis of follicular lymphoma
    Event: 14th International Congress of Immunology

  • Headshot portrait of Kaitlyn Tia Liang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Kaitlyn Tia Liang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2022

    Home Department: Applied Physics
    Faculty Advisors: Guillem Pratx and Billy W. Loo
    Talk Title: Calibration and validation of a real-time oximeter for FLASH-RT experiments
    Event: AAPM 64th Annual Meeting and Exhibition

  • Headshot portrait of Kaiwen Hsiao - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Kaiwen Hsiao - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2022

    Home Department: Radiology
    Faculty Advisor: Joseph DeSimone
    Talk Title: Single digit micron high-resolution 3D CLIP technology
    Event: ACS Spring Meeting 2022

    Supported by The Matthew Frank Family

  • Headshot portrait of Kalani Ratnasiri - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Kalani Ratnasiri - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2022

    Home Department: Immunology
    Faculty Advisors: Catherine Blish and Purvesh Khatri
    Talk Title: Non-human primates replicate conserved human responses to RNA viral infections, with viral family-associated differences in response dynamics
    Event: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting 2022

  • Headshot portrait of Kalli Kappel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Kalli Kappel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2017

    Home Department: Biophysics
    Faculty Advisor: Rhiju Das
    Talk Title: Computational modeling of missing RNA coordinates into density maps of ribonucleoprotein machines
    Event: 4th International Conference on Protein and RNA Structure Prediction

  • Headshot portrait of Karen Dubbin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Karen Dubbin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2016

    Home Department: Materials Science & Engineering
    Faculty Advisor: Sarah Heilshorn
    Talk Title: Self-Assembling Bio-inks for 3D printing of Cellular Constructs
    Event: 2016 World Biomaterials Congress

  • Headshot portrait of Karen Mruk - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Karen Mruk - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2017

    Home Department: Chemical & Systems Biology
    Faculty Advisor: James Chen
    Talk Title: Optical control of neural ablation in zebrafish as a model for secondary injury mechanisms
    Event: Society for Neuroscience – Neuroscience 2017
    Supported by The Matthew Frank Family

  • Headshot portrait of Karin Straley - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Karin Straley - Bio-X Travel Awardee

    Awarded in 2007

    Home Department: Chemical Engineering
    Faculty Advisor: Sarah Heilshorn
    Talk Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Engineered Proteins with Controllable Properties for Use in Spinal Cord Nerve Regeneration
    Event: American Chemical Society National Meeting 2007
