William Cai - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
Mentor: Kwabena Boahen (Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering)
Dr. William Allen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
He received his Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics-Biology from Brown University, M.Phil. in Computational Biology from the University of Cambridge, and Ph.D. in Neurosciences from Stanford, where he was co-advised by Karl Deisseroth and Liqun Luo. As a graduate student, he developed tools to map the structure and function of the mammalian brain at a large scale and high resolution, and applied these tools to uncover the neural mechanisms of thirst.
Home Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Alexandria Boehm
Talk Title: Fecal pollution in the urban ocean: predictors of enterococci and a human marker
Event: UNC Water Microbiology Conference 2018
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Sarah Heilshorn
Talk Title: Hetero-assembling protein-engineered physical hydrogels to improve injectable therapy
Event: Biomedical Engineering Society 2012 Annual Meeting