Alexis Ivec - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
Mentor: Stanley Qi, Bioengineering and Chemical & Systems Biology
Home Department: Developmental Biology
Faculty Advisor: Margaret Fuller
Talk Title: Conserved regulation of the switch from mitosis to meiosis by Bgcn in the mammalian germline
Event: 2014 Cold Spring Harbor: Germ Cells
Dr. Alexandria Boehm is interested in pathogens in the environment including their sources, fate, and transport in natural and engineered systems. She is interested in understanding of how pathogens are transmitted to humans through contact with water, feces, and contaminated surfaces. Dr. Boehm's research is focused on key problems in both developed and developing countries with the overarching goal of designing and testing novel interventions and technologies for reducing the burden of disease.
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Juan Santiago
Talk Title: On-chip Isothermal Polymerase Chain Reaction
Event: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008
Home Department: undeclared
Mentor: Michelle Monje (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)
Dr. Alexandra (Alex) Konings is an Associate Professor of Earth System Science at Stanford. Her work is interested in understanding (and building remote sensing tools to understand) interactions between ecosystems and water.
Home Department: Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dmitri Petrov
Talk Title: Predicting evolutionary success of wild yeast strains from short-term fitness data
Event: 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology