Yong-hun Kim - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
Supported by: Bio-X
Mentor: Gerlinde Wernig, Pathology
Home Department: Biophysics
Faculty Advisors: Adam de la Zerda and Steven Chu
Talk Title: Landing the first private robotic mission on the moon and Developing imaging device for recording cancer cell communication
Event: Forbes Under 30 Summit EMEA - Yonatan was invited to this event as one of Forbes Israel's 30 Under 30 in 2017.
Home Department: Chemistry
Faculty Advisor: Eric Kool
Talk Title: Discovery of small molecule activators of single-strand selective monofunctional uracil DNA glycosylase
Event: ACS National Meeting Fall 2022
Home Department: Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Dionne
Talk Title: Integrating electrokinetics with AI-assisted Raman spectroscopy for bacterial detection in wastewater
Event: PRiME (246th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS))
Awarded in 2023
Talk Title: Combining surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy and electrokinetics for bacterial monitoring in wastewater
Event: 2023 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting and Exhibit
Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Adam Wang
Talk Title: Empirical energy weighting optimization for fast grayscale image generation with photon counting CT
Event: RSNA 2023 Annual Meeting
Awarded in 2022
Talk Title: Empirical optimization of energy bin weights for compressing measurements with photon counting x-ray detectors
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging 2022
Awarded in 2021
Talk Title: Analytical model for pulse pileup in photon counting detectors with seminonparalyzable behavior
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging 2021
Home Department: Chemistry
Faculty Advisor: Eric Kool
Talk Title: Biomolecular labeling with combinatorial oligodeoxyfluorosides
Event: 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Awarded in 2021
Home Department: Physics
Faculty Advisors: Mark Brongersma (Materials Science & Engineering), Bianxiao Cui (Chemistry), and Guosong Hong (Materials Science & Engineering)