Please click on the links to view a free/busy calendar for the room you are interested in.

Please note that successive meetings display as "busy" blocks.

Everyone must keep to their allotted time. Please keep in mind that time is needed between each meeting for setup and cleanup. Currently, face coverings are recommended indoors. See Stanford Health Alerts for details. Please refer to Health Alerts for the most updated guidance regarding face coverings and Stanford Health Check. You must read the full Clark Center room policy before submitting a request.

Until further notice, whoever books the meeting (Event Contact) must make and maintain a list of attendees of their meeting. The Event Contact is responsible for keeping this list in case contact tracing for COVID-19 is needed. The attendee list must include first name, last name, and a readable email address. The Event Contact is also responsible for making sure that every attendee has a valid Stanford ID.

The Clark Center Seminar Rooms (S360, S361, S362, S363) and the Auditorium have video conferencing capabilities (please see policy for details).

Calendar availability does not constitute a guarantee of space in any way: rooms must be scheduled with the Room Reservation Request Form.

Room Calendar
Seminar Room S361 S361 Calendar (reserved for Classes and Courses)
Seminar Room S362 Submit a reservation for S362 - we will respond within one business day
Seminar Room S363 Submit a reservation for S363 - we will respond within one business day
Clark Auditorium Submit a reservation for the Auditorium - we will respond within one business day
Clark Courtyard Submit a reservation for the Courtyard - we will respond within one business day
Seminar Room S360 Submit a reservation for S360 - we will respond within one business day
    Clark Residents ONLY:  
Conference Room E105 E105 Calendar
Conference Room E205 E205 Calendar
Conference Room E305 E305 Calendar
Conference Room S222 S222 Calendar
Conference Room W080 W080 Calendar
Conference Room W155 W155 Calendar
Conference Room W255 W255 Calendar
Conference Room W355 W355 Calendar