November 06, 2014 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Clark Center Auditorium
James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Event Type: 

Symposium Poster Poster List

This Symposium aims to educate students, postdoctoral fellows and established scientists from different disciplines about Mechanobiology by presenting talks on sensory systems, mechanically mediated cellular signaling, and the role of mechanics in homeostasis. Topics include mechanisms, methods and mechanical pathways ranging in temporal and spatial scales from ion channels and protein conformational changes to cell and tissue mechanics in growth, differentiation, disease and regeneration. The Symposium features invited speakers, talks from postdoctoral fellows selected from submitted abstracts, a networking lunch, and poster reception. Attendees from Bay Area Schools are invited to submit abstracts with their registration and participate in the poster session.


graphic of gears and DNA strand


Event agenda:

9:00AM- Welcome and Introduction

9:15AM - Krystyn Van Vliet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chemomechanical Markers and Modulators of Stem Cells: Pulling It All Together

Watch this talk

10:00AM - Sophie Dumont, University of California, San Francisco

Chromosome Segregation: Mechanical Integrity with Dynamic Parts

10:45AM - Coffee Break

11:15AM - Postdoctoral Fellows Talks

  • Tural Aksel, Stanford University: An LVNC and a DCM mutation in adjacent positions in primary sequence have completely opposite impact on human cardiac myosin power generation
    Watch this talk
  • Martin Bringmann, Stanford University: Polarization in the Arabidopsis leaf epidermis is influenced by mechanical stress
    Watch this talk
  • Morgan Delarue, UC Berkeley: Spatially-constrained cell populations
    Watch this talk
  • Arnold Hayer, Stanford University: Polarity propagation between cells mediated by polar curvature sensing on invaginated cadherin fingers

  • Carolina Tropini, Stanford University: General principles of bacterial mechanics and cell-size determination revealed by cell wall synthesis perturbations
    Watch this talk

12:30PM - Lunch: Students may register in advance for lunch with faculty

1:45PM - Miriam Goodman, Stanford University

Touch As a Matter of Fat and Mechanics

Watch this talk

2:30PM - Cindy Reinhart-King, Cornell University

A Leaky Pipeline: Matrix Mechanics in Vascular Form and Function

Watch this talk

3:15PM - Coffee Break

3:45PM - Margaret Gardel, The University of Chicago

Mechanical Regulation of Cell Adhesion and Migration

Watch this talk

4:30PM-6:00PM - Poster Session and Refreshments

Clark Center Courtyard


Symposium Organizers: Beth Pruitt (ME, MCP by courtesy, Bio-X) and W. James Nelson (Biology, MCP, Bio-X)