The Bio-X Fellowships are made possible by various gifts in order to promote interdisciplinary research by promising scientists who are working on projects that bridge the gap between biology and other fields. To date, over 150 Ph.D. students have received three-year fellowships through Bio-X. After completion of their training, our fellows continue to positively impact the scientific community through their roles as professors, co-founders of start-up companies, and research scientists, among others.
Event agenda:
1:00PM - Introduction
Carla Shatz, David Starr Jordan Director of Stanford Bio-X
1:10PM - Helen Yang, Lavidge and McKinley Interdisciplinary Fellow, Stanford Bio-X SIGF, Neurobiology: Clandinin lab in collaboration with Lin lab
Watching the Brain Compute
1:30PM - Lucien Weiss, Stanford Bio-X Bowes Fellow, Chemistry: collaboration between Moerner lab and Stearns lab
Unraveling Hedgehog Signaling using Single-Molecule Tracking
1:50PM - Teresa Purzner, Felix and Heather Baker Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow, Stanford Bio-X SIGF, Developmental Biology: Fuller lab in collaboration with Scott lab and Elias lab
Discovering Novel Targets in Cancer Signaling Pathways Through Developmental Phosphoproteomics
2:10PM - One-Minute Introductions of New Stanford Bio-X Bowes Fellows and Bio-X SIGFs
Poster Session
Clark Center Courtyard