By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.
Alexander Dunn (Chemical Engineering)
Novel Molecular Force Probes to Investigate the Mechanism of Touch Sensation
Manish Butte (Pediatrics)
Examining the Threshold of T cell Memory by AFM-based Receptor Mapping
Edward Graves (Radiation Oncology)
Imaging the Ovarian Cancer-Associated Protein AXL to Stage Disease and Monitor Therapy
Daniel Rubin (Radiology)
Computerized Quantitative Imaging Assessment of Age-Related Acute Macular Degeneration
James Harris (Electrical Engineering)
A Compact Optical Sensor for Parallel Analysis of Blood Components
Robert Byer (Applied Physics)
Rapid Laser-based Diagnostic Tool for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Magali Fontaine (Pathology)
Novel Silk Scaffolds for Pancreatic Islet Encapsulation
Xin Qi (Physiology & Biophysics)
Protection of Mitochondrial Functions in Neurons from Patients with Huntington's Diseases
Closing Comments
Reception and poster session
Clark Courtyard