By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.
Karen Parker (Psychiatry)
Biomarkers of the Social Deficits of Children with Autism
Peter Maxim (Radiation Oncology)
Pluridirectional High-energy Agile Scanning Electron Radiotherapy (PHASER): A Novel Design for Radiation Treatment of Cancer
Adam de la Zerda (Structural Biology)
Towards Visualizing the Molecular Processes of the Retina in Living Subjects
W.E. Moerner (Chemistry)
Single Molecule and High-Resolution Imaging of Developmental Signal Transducers
Fan Yang (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Developing Biomimetic Hydrogels to enhance Pluripotent Stem Cell-based Therapy for Smooth Muscle Tissue Repair
P.J. Utz (Medicine)
Real-time Measurements of Biological Interactions using Multiplexed Peptide Arrays on Silicon Wafers
KC Huang (Bioengineering)
Engineering the Outside of the Cell from Within: Cytoskeletal Control of Cell Wall Structure and Mechanics
Beth Pruitt (Mechanical Engineering)
Probing the Active Mechanics of Hair Cells - Faster than the Speed of Hearing
Closing Comments
Reception and Poster Session
Clark Center Courtyard