By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.
Event agenda:
1:00PM - Introduction
Carla Shatz, David Starr Jordan Director of Stanford Bio-X
1:10PM - Carla Shatz (Biology)
Co-PI: K. Christopher Garcia (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
A Novel Amyloid-Beta Receptor Driving Synapse Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease
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1:30PM - Peter Maxim (Radiation Oncology)
Co-PIs: Billy Loo (Radiation Oncology), Erik Mittra (Radiology - Nuclear Medicine), and Viswam Nair (Medicine)
Correlation of High-Resolution Imaging of Regional Lung Ventilation by Single Energy CT with SPECT Ventilation Images
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1:50PM - Judith Frydman (Biology)
PI: Anne Brunet (Genetics)
Building a Toolbox of Proteostasis Sensors to Monitor the Aging Brain
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2:10PM - Dimitre Hristov (Radiation Oncology)
Co-PIs: Yan Xia (Chemistry) and Brian Hargreaves (Radiology)
Radiation-Sensitized Nanocarriers for MR-Guided Radiation Therapy and Drug Delivery
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2:30PM - H.-S. Philip Wong (Electrical Engineering)
Co-PIs: Ada Poon (Electrical Engineering), Demir Akin (Radiology), and Michael McConnell (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Smaller than Small: Probing Living Cells with Wireless Sensors
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2:50PM - Ellen Yeh (Biochemistry and Pathology)
Co-PI: Joshua Elias (Chemical & Systems Biology)
Discovering the Malaria Plastid Organelle Proteome
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3:10PM - Pehr Harbury (Biochemistry)
Co-PI/Co-Presenter: Tushar Desai (Internal Medicine and Pulmonary & Critical Care)
In Situ Transcriptome Profiling in Histological Sections
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3:30PM - Sindy Tang (Mechanical Engineering)
PI: Jason Andrews (Medicine - Infectious Diseases)
Rapid Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Identification Using Droplet Microfluidics
3:50PM - Closing Comments
4:00PM - Reception and Poster Session
Nexus Café