July 31, 2003 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Clark Center Auditorium
James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Event Type: 
Research Area: 
Seed Grants

By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.


Matthew Scott (Chair of the Bio-X Leadership Council)


P.J. Utz (Immunology and Rheumatology)

Microfluidics Platforms for Proteomics

Todd Smith (Physics) and Daniel Fletcher (Physics)

Force Generation by Actin Polymerization

Sandy Napel (Radiology)

Computer Vision and Learning Techniques for the Detection of Anomalous Structures in 3D Medical Imaging

Jeff Koseff (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Matt Reidenbach (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

The Biological and Geochemical Impacts of the Anthropogenic CO2 Transient on Coral Reef Systems

Robert Shafer (Medicine)

HIV Gene Sequence Analysis for Drug Resistance Studies; A Pharmacogenetic Challenge

W.E. Moerner (Chemistry)

Single-Molecule Probes of Chaperone-Assisted Folding

Daniel Kim (Neurosurgery)

Image-Guided Radiosurgery for the Spine & Lung

Harvey Cohen (Chair of the Bio-X IIP Committee)

Closing Comments

Reception and poster session

Posters presented by NIH-Stanford Graduate Training in Biotechnology Fellows

Clark courtyard