March 01, 2017 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Clark Center Seminar Room S360
James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Event Type: 
Research Area: 
Seed Grants

Photo of IIP poster session in progress.By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.

Symposium Poster Poster List



Event agenda:

1:00PM - Introduction

Carla Shatz, David Starr Jordan Director of Stanford Bio-X

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1:10PM - Ellen Kuhl (Mechanical Engineering)

Co-PIs: Antonio Hardan (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences) and Roland Bammer (Radiology)

Understanding Gyrification Dynamics in the Human Brain

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1:50PM - Bill Dally (Electrical Engineering)

PI: Gill Bejerano (Developmental Biology)

Genome Space Telescope: Bringing DNA Sequence Homology Search into the 21st Century

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2:10PM - Sarah Heilshorn (Materials Science & Engineering)

Co-PIs: Giles Plant (Neurosurgery) and Andrew Spakowitz (Chemical Engineering)

Biomolecular Technologies for Cell-Based Therapeutic Regeneration of Spinal Cord Injury

2:30PM - Frederick Chin (Radiology)

Co-PIs: Edward Graves (Radiation Oncology) and J. Martin Brown (Radiation Oncology)

A Novel "Trigger and Release" Chemical Strategy for Imaging Tumor Hypoxia In Vivo

2:50PM - Merritt Maduke (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)

Co-PIs: Justin Du Bois (Chemistry), Ben Barres (Neurobiology), John Huguenard (Neurology), and Vijay Pande (Chemistry)

Chemical Design of Ligands to Study Chloride-Channel Function in the Central Nervous System

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3:10PM - David Lentink (Mechanical Engineering)

Co-PI: Eric Knudsen (Neurobiology)

Brain Activity During Visual-Motor Coordination in Free-Flying Birds

3:30PM - Closing Comments

3:40PM - Reception and Poster Session

Nexus Café