Continental Breakfast and sign-in
Matthew Scott (Bio-X Chairman/Professor of Developmental Biology) and Sam Gambhir (Professor of Radiology/Director, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford)
Welcome and overview of Bio-X
Roderic Pettigrew (Director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering)
Horizons in cellular and molecular imaging
Laurie Zoloth (Director, Bioethics, Center for Genetic Medicine, Professor of Medical Ethics and Humanities, Northwestern University)
Seeing and believing: Ethical considerations in the translational use of imaging
Roger Tsien (Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular Imaging Core, Co-Leader at UCSD)
Building and breeding molecules to spy on cells and tumors
Wenbiao Gan (Assistant Professor, Physiology and Neuroscience, Skirball Institute Program of Molecular Neurobiology)
In vivo imaging of synaptic plasticity and pathology
Jeff Lichtman (Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University)
Monitoring synapses in fluorescent mice
Scott Fraser (Professor of Biology and Director, Biological Imaging Center, Beckman Institute, California Inst. of Technology)
Watching the developmental mechanics of the vertebrate embryo
Winfried Denk (Director of Biomedical Optics, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research Heidelberg)
Understanding the brain. A measurement problem really
G. Allan Johnson, Director (Ctr. for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke Univ. Medical Center)
Image Based Phenotyping
Joanna Fowler (Dept. of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Lab)
Imaging addiction in the human brain
Poster session to showcase research from Stanford and beyond
Workshop: Practical and technical presentations on imaging.
Chaired by Dr. Stephen J Smith, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford.
Winfried Denk (Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research Heidelberg)
Understanding biological function by imaging live and dead life
Scott Fraser (California Institute of Technology)
Multi-dimensional imaging of development
Sam Gambhir (Stanford University)
A practical guide to noninvasive imaging of small animals
Wenbiao Gan (Skirball Institute Program of Molecular Neurobiology)
Two-photon transcranial imaging of neurons and microglia in the living brain
Stephen J Smith (Stanford University)
Seeing circuits assemble