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June 28
Carla Shatz (Biology and Neurobiology)
Saving the Synapse [SUNet login required]
Paul Nuyujukian (Bioengineering and Neurosurgery)
Brain-Machine Interfaces
Melanie Hayden-Gephart (Neurosurgery)
Malignant Brain Tumor Surgery and Science [SUNet login required]
July 5
Sandy Napel (Radiology)
Images are not just pictures; they are data: Applications to Radiology & Medicine
Alistair Boettiger (Developmental Biology)
Single molecule imaging of gene expression and genome structure
Alison Marsden (Pediatrics and Bioengineering)
Computational Methods for Personalized Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease [SUNet login required]
July 12
Thomas Südhof (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
How to wire a neural circuit: Initial approaches to a difficult problem
Karen Parker (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Novel approaches for detecting and treating autism
Anson Lee (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
Multidisciplinary Approach to Treating Arrhythmia
July 19
Edward Graves (Radiation Oncology)
Migration of Tumor and Immune Cells
Maria Barna (Genetics and Developmental Biology)
Specialized Ribosomes: A New Frontier in Gene Regulation, Organismal Biology, & Evolution [SUNet login required]
Liqun Luo (Biology)
TRAPing active neurons [SUNet login required]
July 26
Creed Stary (Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine)
MicroRNAs in Cerebral Ischemia
Carolyn Bertozzi (Chemistry)
Tuberculosis diagnostics powered by chemistry
Helen Bronte-Stewart (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)
Brain and movement in Parkinson's disease melding a background in Dance and Neuroscience [SUNet login required]
August 2
Joseph Woo (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
The Fusion of Biology, Engineering, and Surgery in Treating Cardiovascular Disease
Helen Blau (Microbiology & Immunology)
Building muscles by juvenating muscle stem cell function
Peter Jackson (Microbiology & Immunology)
Before neurons: sensory and metabolic signaling in primary cilia
August 9
Anthony Oro (Dermatology)
Cells as Drugs for Incurable Diseases [SUNet login required]
Marc Levenston (Mechanical Engineering)
See it Squish: Using Medical Imaging to Study Cartilage Deformation In Vivo
Ian Gotlib (Psychology)
Understanding and Reducing Risk for Depression [SUNet login required]
August 16
Ivan Soltesz (Neurosurgery)
Organization and Control of Hippocampal Networks
Stephen Quake (Bioengineering and Applied Physics)
Single Cell Genomics [SUNet login required]
Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Nature’s gift: how the discovery of structural principles in a microbial protein helped illuminate the pathophysiology of psychiatry [SUNet login required]
August 23
Gerlinde Wernig (Pathology)
The unifying mechanism of fibrotic diseases
Tanya Stoyanova (Radiology)
Defining new biomarkers and therapies for prostate cancer
Kim Butts Pauly (Radiology)
Blood Brain Barrier Opening with MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound [SUNet login required]
August 30
Lucy O’Brien (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Gutting to the truth of the matter: Life and death in the Drosphila intestine
Anne Brunet (Genetics)
Understanding and modeling aging
Justin Annes (Medicine - Endocrinology)
Developing a regenerative therapeutic for diabetes