Over 1,300 faculty are affiliated with Stanford Bio-X and are eligible to apply for our grants and be notified about fundraising opportunities, collaborations with industries, events, courses and available facilities and instruments. Learn how to become an affiliate!
Bio-X Affiliated Faculty
The Boahen lab is bridging the experiment–computation gap by building a computer that works like the brain, feeding back and contributing to a fundamental, biological understanding of how the brain works.
Russ Altman - Kenneth Fong Professor and Professor of Bioengineering, of Genetics, of Medicine (General Medical Discipline), and (by courtesy) of Computer Science
Bio-X Affiliated Faculty
Russ Biagio Altman is the Kenneth Fong Professor of Bioengineering, Genetics, Medicine, Biomedical Data Science and (by courtesy) Computer Science) and past chairman of the Bioengineering Department at Stanford University. His primary research interests are in the application of computing (AI, data science and informatics) to problems relevant to medicine. He is particularly interested in methods for understanding drug action at molecular, cellular, organism and population levels.