Photo of 5 Travel Award recipients standing in the Clark Center courtyard.

The Bio-X Travel Awards Program gives graduate students and postdocs the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills, to travel and network with like-minded peers, and to learn new ideas that could potentially and positively affect their research.

Search travel awardees View the 2019 Travel Awards brochure

Headshot portrait of Vivian Feig - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Vivian Feig - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2019

Home Department: Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Zhenan Bao
Talk Title: Electrochemical patterning of tissue-mimetic conductive hydrogels
Event: ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition
Awarded in 2018
Talk Title: Highly Stretchable, Conductive Hydrogels with Tunable Modulus for Enhanced Compatibility with Biological Tissue
Event: 2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Headshot portrait of Sarah Divel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Sarah Divel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2019

Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Norbert Pelc
Talk Title: Image-domain insertion of spatially correlated, locally varying noise in CT images
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging 2019

Awarded in 2018
Talk Title: Can image-domain filtering of FBP CT reconstructions match low-contrast performance of iterative reconstructions?
Event: SPIE Medical Imaging 2018

Headshot portrait of Benjamin Knapp - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Benjamin Knapp - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2020

Home Department: Biophysics
Faculty Advisor: KC Huang
Talk Title: The effects of temperature on cell growth
Event: New Physical Models of Cell Growth 2020
Awarded in 2017
Talk Title: Supergrowth: Effect of osmotic oscillations on the rate of cell growth and the regulation of the proteome
Event: American Society for Cell Biology and the European Molecular Biology Organization 2017 Meeting

Headshot portrait of Jingwei Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Jingwei Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2017

Home Department: Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Leonidas Guibas
Talk Title: 3DLite: Towards Commodity 3D Scanning for Content Creation
Event: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017

Headshot portrait of Diego Oyarzun - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Diego Oyarzun - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2017

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Juan Santiago
Talk Title: Selective passive adsorption of nitrate with surfactant treated porous electrode and electrostatic regeneration
Event: 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics

Headshot portrait of Sarah Mattonen - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Sarah Mattonen - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2018

Home Department: Radiology
Faculty Advisor: Sandy Napel
Talk Title: 18F FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Tumor Penumbra Texture Predicts Recurrence in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Event: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family
Awarded in 2017
Talk Title: PET Radiomics for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Event: Radiomics 2017
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family

Headshot portrait of Kalli Kappel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Kalli Kappel - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2017

Home Department: Biophysics
Faculty Advisor: Rhiju Das
Talk Title: Computational modeling of missing RNA coordinates into density maps of ribonucleoprotein machines
Event: 4th International Conference on Protein and RNA Structure Prediction

Headshot portrait of Sidi Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Sidi Huang - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2017

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Xiaolin Zheng
Talk Title: Facile Thermal and Optical Ignition of Silicon Nanoparticles and Micron Particles Facile Thermal and Optical Ignition of Silicon Nanoparticles and Micron Particles
Event: 2017 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Headshot portrait of Peyton Greenside - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Peyton Greenside - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2019

Home Department: Biomedical Informatics
Faculty Advisors: Hanlee Ji and Emma Brunskill
Talk Title: CrowdVariant: a crowdsourcing approach to classify copy number variants
Event: Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing 2019
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family
Awarded in 2017
Faculty Advisor: Anshul Kundaje
Talk Title: Graph convolutional networks can encode three-dimensional genome architecture in deep learning models for genomics
Event: 12th Women in Machine Learning Workshop

Headshot portrait of Adam Rubin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Adam Rubin - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2017

Home Department: Stem Cell Biology
Faculty Advisor: Paul Khavari
Talk Title: Mapping epigenomic regulatory networks with combined CRISPR and single cell ATAC
Event: EMBO-EMBL Symposium: From Single- to Multiomics
