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June 26
Manu Prakash (Bioengineering),
Gravity machine: A virtual reality platform for single cells [SUNet login required]
Fan Yang (Orthopaedic Surgery and Bioengineering)
Biomaterials as 3D cell niche: From stem cell-based tissue regeneration to bioengineered cancer models [SUNet login required]
Theo Palmer (Neurosurgery)
Modeling gene-immune interactions in altered neurodevelopment
July 3
Shirit Einav (Medicine – Infectious Diseases and Microbiology & Immunology)
Towards better understanding and predicting severe dengue
Marion Buckwalter (Neurology & Neurological Sciences and Neurosurgery)
Stanley Lei Qi (Bioengineering and Chemical & Systems Biology)
Synthetic genomics: The new era of genetic engineering
July 10
Carla Shatz (Biology and Neurobiology)
Alfred Spormann (Civil & Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering)
New carbon-neutral energy technologies by microbial electrosynthesis
Nirao Shah (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and Neurobiology)
Genetics of social behavior: Understanding how we mate, fight, and parent
July 17
Shaul Druckmann (Neurobiology and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Interpreting neural population recordings
Calvin Kuo (Medicine – Hematology)
Modeling diseases with organoid cultures
Brian Kobilka (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Structural insights into G protein coupled receptor activation [SUNet login required]
July 24
Roger Kornberg (Structural Biology)
Chromosome structure and transcription
Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
PJ Utz (Medicine – Immunology & Rheumatology)
Physician scientist careers for MD-only and dual degree MDs
July 31
Carolyn Bertozzi (Chemistry)
Jennifer Cochran (Bioengineering)
Engineering next-generation cancer therapeutics
Keren Haroush (Neurobiology)
Uncovering the Neural code of complex cognitive computations: The example of social cooperation
August 7
Michelle Monje (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)
Myelin plasticity in health and disease
Joseph Woo (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
Cardiovascular surgical repair and regeneration strategies
Richard Zare (Chemistry)
Mass spectrometry in the service of human health
August 14
Tom Südhof (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
The enigma of synapse formation
Sergiu Pasca (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
The hidden biology of the human brain
Euan Ashley (Medicine – Cardiovascular Medicine, Genetics, and Biomedical Data Science)
August 21
Markus Covert (Bioengineering)
An integrated, multiscale approach for understanding infection
Peter Jackson (Microbiology & Immunology)
Controlling stem cell differentiation
Jennifer Raymond (Neurobiology)
Metaplasticity: How does a neural circuit learn to learn?
August 28
Tony Wyss-Coray (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)
Lucy O’Brien (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
It takes a village: Collective dynamics of stem and differentiated cells
Tim Stearns (Biology and Genetics)
Creativity in Science: Why It Is Important, and How to Learn It