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June 24
Chaitan Khosla (Chemical Engineering and Chemistry)
Assembly Line Antibiotic Biosynthesis
Dean Felsher (Medicine - Oncology and Pathology)
Molecular Imaging of Cancer Addiction
Vijay Pande (Chemistry)
Deep Learning in Computational Biology and Computational Chemistry
July 1
John Boothroyd (Microbiology & Immunology)
How Does the Intracellular Parasite Toxoplasma Co-opt Host Functions? [SUNet login required]
Sarah Heilshorn (Materials Science & Engineering)
Materials for Stem Cell Transplantation and 3D Bio-Printing
Marius Wernig (Pathology)
Direct Reprogramming Towards the Neural Lineage
July 8
Lisa Giocomo (Neurobiology)
Identifying the Algorithms for Calculating Spatial Maps
Ron Kopito (Biology)
Quality Control on the Protein Assembly Line
Manish Butte (Pediatrics)
T Cell Activation and Cellular Mechanics
July 15
William Newsome (Neurobiology)
Neural Mechanisms Underlying Decision-Making
Jonathan Payne (Geological & Environmental Sciences)
Controls on the Evolution of Organism Size over the Past Four Billion Years
Jin Billy Li (Genetics)
Functional Analysis of RNA Editing Events
July 22
Thomas Südhof (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Lucy Shapiro (Developmental Biology)
Systems Architecture of a Bacterial Cell Cycle [SUNet login required]
Michael Snyder (Genetics)
Analyzing Health and Disease Using Personal Omics Profiling
July 29
Scott Delp (Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering)
Dynamics of Walking and Running
Michael Longaker (Surgery)
Scar Wars [SUNet login required]
Robert Malenka (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Synaptic Plasticity: The Brain's Response to Experience
August 5
Euan Ashley (Medicine - Cardiovascular and Genetics)
Michael Levitt (Structural Biology)
47 Years of Fun with Computers in Biology
Michael Lin (Bioengineering and Pediatrics)
Molecular Engineering of New Input and Output Interfaces with Biology
August 12
Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Optical Tools for Probing Intact Biological Systems
Theo Palmer (Neurosurgery)
Modeling Human Neural Circuits with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells [SUNet login required]
Edward Graves (Radiation Oncology)
Observing and Understanding Tumor Cell Migration
August 19
Yanmin Yang (Neurology)
Recalculating: BDNF Makes an Illegal U-Turn in Huntington Disease [SUNet login required]
Antonio Hardan (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Pivotal Response Training: Findings from Behavioral and Biological Measures
Firdaus Dhabhar (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
A Hassle a Day May Keep the Doctor Away: How Stress Can Enhance Immune Function
August 26
Oussama Khatib (Computer Science)
Robotics in Human Motion and Motor Control Studies
Michelle Monje (Neurology)
Myelin Plasticity in Health and Disease
Jennifer Cochran (Bioengineering)
Engineered Proteins as Therapeutic and Diagnostic Agents [SUNet login required]