Bruce Daniel, Radiology Technologies for Mixed-Reality Breast Surgery 2017 IIP Seed Grants Symposium - August 24, 2017
Bruce Daniel - Professor of Radiology (Body Imaging) and (by courtesy) of Bioengineering Bio-X Affiliated Faculty Stanford Profile Stanford Body MRI Research Group Homepage Dr. Daniel's current research interests are MRI of Breast Cancer, particularly new techniques; MRI-guided interventions, especially MRI-compatible remote manipulation and haptics; and Medical Mixed Reality.
IIP Symposium, February 2012 - Elucidating on the mechanism of protein-protein interactions in epigenetic events from electronic spectroscopy measurements
Fellows Symposium 2012 - Local Axonal Protection by WldS as Revealed by Conditional Regulation of Protein Stability
Development of Novel Nanocrystal-Based MRI Contrast Agents for In-Vivo Cellular and Vascular Imaging Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Round 3 – 2006