Daniel Spielman, Radiology In Vivo Metabolic Imaging of Senescent Cells Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRS 2016 IIP Symposium - February 17, 2016
Daniel Spielman - Professor of Radiology Bio-X Affiliated Faculty CAP Profile Dr. Spielman's Radiological Sciences Lab Homepage Dr. Spielman's interests are in the field of magnetic resonance imaging and in vivo spectroscopy.
IIP Symposium, March 2011 - A Combined Chemical Biological and Computational Approach for the Development of a New Class of Therapeutics for Protein Aggregation Diseases
IIP Seed Grants Symposium, August 2015 - Real Time Biology Cloud Experiments at Scale: Technology Development and Integration in Education
In Vivo Metabolic Imaging of Senescent Cells Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRS Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Round 7 - 2014
Exploiting the Warburg Effect in Glioma using Hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Round 6 - 2012