May Han - Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences Bio-X Affiliated Faculty CAP Profile Dr. Han's Lab Homepage Research in Dr. Han's laboratory mainly focuses on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and other inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the CNS.
USRP 2012 - Integrating genes, brain and behavior in Fragile X (FXS) and Williams Syndromes (WS): The “yin and yang” of social behavior
Novel 7T MRI methods to assess hippocampal and thalamic pathology with correlation to cognitive impairment in MS Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2013
Steady strides in multiple-sclerosis therapeutics research June 16, 2016 - Stanford Medicine Scope Bio-X affiliate May Han and her colleagues have pinpointed the molecular basis for a defective response to...