Epigenetic Regulation of Cell Fate and Function 2024 Stanford Bio-X USRP Talks - Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Nidhi Bhutani - Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Bio-X Affiliated Faculty Stanford Profile Dr. Bhutani’s Lab Homepage The long-term goal of Dr. Bhutani's group's research is to understand the fundamental mechanisms that govern and reprogram cellular fate during development, regeneration and disease.
USRP 2012 - Integrating genes, brain and behavior in Fragile X (FXS) and Williams Syndromes (WS): The “yin and yang” of social behavior
Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Seed Grant: Live free or Inflame - Understanding the interplay of cell volume regulation, ECM viscoelasticity and the response to inflammation Interdisciplinary Initiatives Program Round 9 - 2018