Yuan Zhang - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
Supported by: Dean of Research
Mentor: Sean Wu, Medicine (Cardiovascular)
Home Department: Cancer Biology
Faculty Advisor: Le Cong
Talk Title: Perturbing and tracing tumor lineages resistant to NK killing
Event: Single-Cell Genomics GRC 2024
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Zhenan Bao
Talk Title: Topological Supramolecular Network Enabled Highly Conductive and Stretchable Organic Bioelectronics
Event: 2021 MRS Fall Meeting
Supported by The Matthew Frank Family
Home Department: Genetics
Faculty Advisor: Michael Snyder
Talk Title: Classify dynamic responses to food through time-series glucose data
Event: Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting - 2023
One of Dr. Yueh-hsiu Chien's main research focuses is to define γδ T cell function so that we can better understand host immune defense. γδ T cells, together with B cells and αβ T cells, are the only cells that use somatic V, D, J gene rearrangement to generate diverse antigen receptors. All three types of cells are present together in all but the most primitive vertebrates, suggesting that each population contributes to host immune competence uniquely and that all three are necessary for maintaining immune competence.
Awarded in 2020
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisors: Bo Wang (Bioengineering) and James Ferrell (Chemical & Systems Biology and Biochemistry)
Home Department: Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Sean Follmer
Talk Title: I feel you: Impact of shared body sensations on social interactions in virtual reality
Event: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2024