• Headshot portrait of Pradnya Narkhede - Mona M. Burgess Fellow

    Pradnya Narkhede - Mona M. Burgess Fellow

    Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow

    Awarded in 2023
    Home Department: Chemistry
    Faculty Advisors: Or Gozani (Biology) and James Chen (Chemical & Systems Biology, Developmental Biology, Chemistry)

  • Outdoor headshot photo of graduate student Preskha Bhagchandani.

    Preksha Bhagchandani - Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow

    Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2022
    Home Department: Immunology
    Faculty Advisors: Seung Kim (Developmental Biology), Everett Meyer (Medicine - Blood & Marrow Transplantation and Pediatrics - Stem Cell Transplantation), Judith Shizuru (Medicine - Blood & Marrow Transplantation and Pediatrics - Stem Cell Transplantation), and Kyle Loh (Developmental Biology)
  • Headshot portrait of Pumiao Yan - Seth A. Ritch Graduate Fellow

    Pumiao Yan - Seth A. Ritch Graduate Fellow

    Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2020
    Home Department: Electrical Engineering
    Faculty Advisors: Boris Murmann (Electrical Engineering) and Tsachy Weissman (Electrical Engineering)
  • Headshot portrait of Rachael Kretsch - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Rachael Kretsch - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2021
    Home Department: Biophysics
    Faculty Advisors: Rhiju Das (Biochemistry) and Wah Chiu (Bioengineering, Microbiology & Immunology, Photon Science Directorate)
  • Headshot portrait of Rachel Agoglia - Bio-X Honorary Fellow

    Rachel Agoglia - Bio-X Honorary Fellow

    Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2016
    Home Department: Genetics
    Faculty Advisors: Hunter Fraser (Biology) and Sergiu Pasca (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
  • Headshot portrait of Rachel Hagey Saluti - Mona M. Burgess Fellow

    Rachel Hagey Saluti - Mona M. Burgess Fellow

    Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2014
    Home Department: Microbiology & Immunology
    Faculty Advisors: Jeffrey Glenn (Microbiology & Immunology) and Rhiju Das (Physics)
  • Headshot portrait of Rachel Kalmar - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Rachel Kalmar - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
    Awarded in 2005
    Home Department: Neurosciences
    Faculty Advisors: Krishna Shenoy (Electrical Engineering) and William Newsome (Neurobiology)
  • Headshot portrait of Raeline Valbuena - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Raeline Valbuena - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

    Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow

    Awarded in 2022
    Home Department: Genetics
    Faculty Advisors: Michael Bassik (Genetics), Lacramioara Bintu (Bioengineering), and Anshul Kundaje (Genetics and Computer Science)
