Headshot portrait of Remy Durand - Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Fellow
Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2010
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering, Psychiatry)

Research Title: Functional brain imaging of signals generated by cell-type specific neuromodulation

Research Description: Noninvasive imaging that looks at brain activity has opened a new window into understanding how the brain functions and communicates information; however, the relationship between cells in the brain called neurons and signals measured with functional brain imaging techniques remains poorly understood. Remy’s research combined a novel way to precisely control the activity of neurons in the brain called optogenetics with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine how neurons communicate between brain regions. Remy’s work aids in understanding the function organization of the normal brain and also the diagnosis and treatment of diseased brain states.


Remy is the Chief Business Officer at Alpine Immune Sciences (NASDAQ: ALPN) and a Principal on the investment team at Alpine BioVentures.