Bio-X Affiliated FacultyOngoing Barron lab projects involve the development of novel biomimetics, bioconjugates, and bioseparations, using the methods of molecular biology, bioorganic chemistry, and molecular biophysics.
Anne Villeneuve - Berthold and Belle N. Guggenhime Professor and Professor of Developmental Biology and of Genetics
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyResearch in the Villeneuve lab is aimed at understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the faithful inheritance and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. -
Anne Brunet - Michele and Timothy Barakett Endowed Professor
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Brunet's laboratory's overarching goal is to understand the genetic mechanisms of aging and longevity. -
Anna Gloyn - Professor of Pediatrics (Endocrinology) and (by courtesy) of Genetics
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyThe consistent focus of Dr. Anna Gloyn's research has been using naturally occurring mutations in humans as tools to identity critical regulatory pathways and insights into normal physiology. Her early post-doctoral research led to the identification a new genetic aetiology for permanent and transient neonatal diabetes due to KCNJ11 mutations and resulted in one of the first examples of precision medicine, where the determination of the molecular genetic aetiology lead to improved treatment options for patients. Whilst she was in Oxford, Dr.
Ann Mullally - Professor of Medicine (Hematology)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Ann Mullally is a physician-scientist and Division Chief of Hematology. Dr. Mullally received her MD from University College Dublin, completed residency at Johns Hopkins and fellowship in hematology/oncology in the Brigham/Mass General/Dana-Farber program. Prior to moving to Stanford in 2024, Dr. Mullally was a Principal Investigator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a clinical faculty member at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for approximately 10 years. Dr. Mullally is actively involved in all aspects of patient-oriented research.
Ann Arvin - Lucile Salter Packard Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
Bio-X Affiliated Faculty, Scientific Leadership Council MemberDr. Arvin's laboratory investigates the molecular virology of VZV, focusing on the functional roles of particular viral gene products in pathogenesis and virus-cell interactions in differentiated human cells in SCID mouse models of VZV infection in vivo. -
Anish Mitra - Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry & Psychology)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Anish Mitra is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist interested in understanding how neural activity in large-scale networks causes mental illness.
Angela Rogers - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Rogers's group uses genetics and genomics methodologies to identify novel ARDS pathobiology; they hope that this will enable identification of novel biomarkers, phenotypes, and treatments for the disease. -
Andrew Spakowitz - Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics
Clark Center Faculty, Scientific Leadership Council MemberThe Spakowitz lab is engaged in projects that address fundamental chemical and physical processes that underlie a range of key biological mysteries and cutting-edge materials applications. -
Andrew J. Mannix - Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering
Bio-X Affiliated FacultyDr. Andrew J. Mannix is an assistant professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. He completed his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University as an NSF GRFP Fellow, where he worked on the growth and atomic-scale characterization of new 2D materials.