Molecular mechanisms of chromatin remodeling motors
ATP‐dependent chromatin remodeling motors are essential for regulating how the genome is replicated, transcribed, repaired and recombined. Yet compared to other essential motors such as myosins and helicases, their biochemical mechanisms are poorly understood, limiting an understanding of how their functions are regulated. For example, it is unclear how chromatin remodeling motors mobilize nucleosomal DNA despite the structural constraints placed by the histone octamer. It is also unclear why different classes of remodeling motors catalyze different outcomes despite having related ATPase cores. We have developed quantitative approaches to study chromatin‐specific conformational changes. These methods have allowed us to apply conceptual advances from established motor fields to discover mechanistic features that are unique to chromatin‐remodeling motors. I will present our latest progress in addressing the fundamental questions described above.
Dr. Narlikar's talk will be roughly one hour. The pre-seminar will introduce basic concepts and background for non-experts. Registered students must attend all pre-seminars and sign in for credit; all other guests are welcome. To view all future seminars, visit the series page. For more information, please contact course instructor Professor Channing Robertson; or teaching assistant Fiona Sincock.
May 22nd, 2014 at 3:15 PM in the Clark Center Auditorium