By enabling scientists involved in technology development to work in highly collaborative ways with discovery scientists across a broad array of disciplines, the Bio-X program accelerates the pace of innovation. Bio-X is a fertile environment for visionaries, and the IIP awards give them the seed-funding they need to allow high-risk ideas to germinate and grow. In this way, the IIP awards have a unique purpose and profound rewards.
Tirin Moore (Neurobiology) and Kalanit Grill-Spector (Psychology)
Functional Neuroimaging of Attention Networks
Sandip Biswal (Radiology)
Sodium Ion Channel-Selective Toxins as Tools for Imaging Pain Generators
Julie Baker (Genetics)
Trophoblast Evolution and Implications for Human Pregnancy
Peter Pinsky (Mechanical Engineering)
Connective Tissue Elasticity: Bridging the Scales between Chemical Morphology and Engineering Models
Daniel Palanker (Opthalmology)
Optoelectronic Retinal Prosthesis
Eric Kool (Chemistry)
A New Approach to Scintigraphic Biomedical Imaging
Brian Kobilka (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
High-Affinity, Highly Specific Peptoid Antagonists for G-Protein Coupled Receptors
Stephen Skirboll (Neurosurgery)
The Colony-Forming Antibody Cell Array: A Novel Screening Strategy to Identify Cancer Stem Cells in Human Malignant Gliomas and Other Cancers
Closing Comments
Reception and poster session
Clark Courtyard