Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biosciences Pre-Seminar - "Bio-X: A Historical Perspective"
Virtually attend Dr. Robertson's pre-seminar presentation to learn more about the history of Stanford Bio-X.
Videoconferencing information will be available on this page closer to the seminar.
Please note:
This and other Stanford Bio-X seminars and events will be conducted virtually over Zoom. Please join the meeting with the information below and mute your computer's audio if needed. You will need to be signed in to a Zoom account to join.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/96023911183
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Meeting ID: 960 2391 1183
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Meeting ID: 960 2391 1183
SIP: 96023911183@zoomcrc.com