The Postdoctoral Fellowships offer postdoctoral scholars funding to pursue interdisciplinary research.  Find out more about the Postdoctoral Fellowships program.

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Headshot portrait of Anna Geraghty - Bio-X Genentech Fellow

Anna Geraghty - Bio-X Genentech Fellow

Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow

Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Michelle Monje-Deisseroth (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)

Headshot portrait of Sergey Solomatin - Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow

Sergey Solomatin - Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow

Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow
Awarded in 2005
Home Department: Chemistry
Faculty Advisors: Steve Chu (Physics, Applied Physics) and Daniel Herschlag (Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering)
Headshot portrait of Tiffany Chung - Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow

Tiffany Chung - Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow

Bio-X Postdoctoral Fellow
Awarded in 2005
Home Department: Radiology
Faculty Advisors: Jianghong Rao (Radiology) and Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (Bioengineering, Radiology)