Photo of 5 Travel Award recipients standing in the Clark Center courtyard.

The Bio-X Travel Awards Program gives graduate students and postdocs the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills, to travel and network with like-minded peers, and to learn new ideas that could potentially and positively affect their research.

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Headshot portrait of Priti Balchandani - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Priti Balchandani - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2007

Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Daniel Spielman
Talk Title: Interleaved Narrow-band Adiabatic Spatial-spectral Pulse Sequence for 1H MRSI at 7T
Event: 2007 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Headshot portrait of Joong Ho Johann Won - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Joong Ho Johann Won - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Radiology
Faculty Advisor: Sandy Napel
Talk Title: Towards a Single Uncluttered View of the Abdominal Aortic Vessel Tree from CTA or MRA; Method and Preliminary Results
Event: RSNA 2008 94th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of Kitchener Wilson - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Kitchener Wilson - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Joseph Wu
Talk Title: MicroRNA profiling of hESC differentiation to a cardiac fate
Event: International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting 2008 (PA)

Headshot portrait of Phil Vitorino - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Phil Vitorino - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Chemical & Systems Biology
Faculty Advisor: Tobias Meyer
Talk Title: Genetic Analysis of Endothelial Wound Closure Reveals Distinct Signaling Modules Controlling Would Dependent and Independent Cell Migration
Event: The American Society for Cell Biology 2008

Headshot portrait of Robert Schafer - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Robert Schafer - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Neurobiology
Faculty Advisor: Tirin Moore
Talk Title: Voluntary control of frontal eye field activity and its effects on saccades and perception
Event: 2008 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of Alexandre Persat - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Alexandre Persat - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Juan Santiago
Talk Title: On-chip Isothermal Polymerase Chain Reaction
Event: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008

Headshot portrait of Nathan Netravali - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Nathan Netravali - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Thomas Andriacchi
Talk Title: Changes In Tibiofemoral Kinematics And Kinetics During Stair Ascent After Partial Medial Meniscectomy
Event: American Society of Biomechanics 2008

Headshot portrait of Penka Markova-Raina - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Penka Markova-Raina - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Biological Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Dmitri Petrov
Talk Title: The choice of aligner significantly impacts the estimates of positive selection in the 12 Drosophila genomes
Event: Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2008

Headshot portrait of Samuel Lord - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Samuel Lord - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Chemistry
Faculty Advisor: W.E. Moerner
Talk Title: DCDHF Fluorophores Designed for Sing-Molecule Cellular Imaging
Event: Optical Society of America Annual Meeting 2008

Headshot portrait of Ron Kwon- Bio-X Travel Awardee

Ron Kwon- Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2008

Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Christopher Jacobs
Talk Title: Adenylyl Cyclase 6 Mediates Primary Cilia-Regulated Decreases in cAMP in Bone Cells Exposed to Dynamic Fluid Flow
Event: 2008 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
