Photo of 5 Travel Award recipients standing in the Clark Center courtyard.

The Bio-X Travel Awards Program gives graduate students and postdocs the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills, to travel and network with like-minded peers, and to learn new ideas that could potentially and positively affect their research.

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Headshot portrait of Widya Mulyasasmita - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Widya Mulyasasmita - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Sarah Heilshorn
Talk Title: Hetero-assembling protein-engineered physical hydrogels to improve injectable therapy
Event: Biomedical Engineering Society 2012 Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of Bowen Meng - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Bowen Meng - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Electrical Engineering and Radiation Oncology
Faculty Advisor: Lei Xing
Talk Title: Single-scan scatter correction in cone beam CT using stationary boundary blockers and compressed sensing
Event: AAPM Meetings 2012 - American Association of Physicists in Medicine

Headshot portrait of Lewis Marshall - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Lewis Marshall - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Juan G. Santiago
Talk Title: A Novel Device for Highly Efficient Extraction of Nucleic Acids From 100 Microliter Whole Blood Samples
Event: American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting and American Electrophoresis Society Joint Meeting 2012

Awarded in 2011
Talk Title: On-chip integration of lysis and nucleic acid preparation of malaria-infected blood
Event: μTAS (Micro Total Analysis Systems) 2011
Headshot portrait of Cassie Liu - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Cassie Liu - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Cochran
Talk Title: Engineered Hepatocyte Growth Factor Mutants: New Tools for Tissue Regeneration and Vascularization
Event: 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of Cheuk Lun Leung - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Cheuk Lun Leung - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Cochran
Talk Title: Engineering cystine knot peptides as a new class of molecular imaging agents
Event: 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of Jonathan Leong - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Jonathan Leong - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Neurobiology
Faculty Advisor: Thomas Clandinin
Talk Title: An amplifying supramolecular chemistry for staining non-transgenic brain
Event: Bonhoeffer Retreat 2012

Headshot portrait of George Korir - Bio-X Travel Awardee

George Korir - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor: Manu Prakash
Talk Title: Punch card programmable microfluidics
Event: 65th Annual Meeting: American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics

Headshot portrait of Young Min Kim - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Young Min Kim - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Leonidas Guibas
Talk Title: Acquiring 3D indoor environments with variability and repetition
Event: Siggraph Asia 2012

Headshot portrait of Ho Jin Kim - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Ho Jin Kim - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012

Home Department: Radiation Oncology
Faculty Advisor: Lei Xing
Talk Title: Improving the dose distribution and delivery efficiency in IMRT inverse planning by iteratively reweighted L1-norm
Event: 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting

Headshot portrait of David Kastner - Bio-X Travel Awardee

David Kastner - Bio-X Travel Awardee

Awarded in 2012
Home Department: Neurobiology
Faculty Advisor: Stephen Baccus
Talk Title: Optimal placement of dynamic range by coordinated populations of ganglion cells
Event: Society for Neuroscience 2012

Awarded in 2011
Talk Title: Mechanism and circuitry underlying retinal sensitization
Event: Cosyne 2011

Awarded in 2010
Talk Title: The adaptive field and predictive object recognition in the retina
Event: Cosyne 2010
