June 26
Josef Parvizi (Neurology)
Studying the Localization of Functions in the Human Brain with Intracranial Electrodes [SUNet login required]
Vinod Menon (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
Lawrence Steinman (Neurology)
When Bad is Good: Beneficial Amyloid to Protect the Brain
Dean Felsher (Medicine - Oncology)
Modeling and Predicting Oncogene Addiction
July 3
Mark Pegram (Medicine - Oncology)
Therapeutic Strategies Targeting ERBB2 [SUNet login required]
Firdaus Dhabhar (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
A Hassle a Day May Keep the Doctor Away – Protective Versus Harmful Effects of Stress
Renee Reijo Pera (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Reprogramming and Programming in Human Embryo Development [SUNet login required]
Alexander Urban (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
Genomic Basis of Mental Disorders
July 10
Beth Pruitt (Mechanical Engineering)
Microsystems for Mechanobiology
Kang Shen (Biology)
Using a Small Nervous System to Answer Big Questions
Liqun Luo (Biology)
Of Mice and Flies: How Neural Circuits are Organized and Built
Carla Shatz (Biology and Neurobiology)
Restoring Plasticity to Old Brains [SUNet login required]
July 17
Jason Dragoo (Orthopaedic Surgery)
The Clinical Use of Stem Cells in Orthopaedic Surgery
Euan Ashley (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Big Data: Biological Networks, Human Genomes
Howard Chang (Dermatology)
Genome Regulation by Long Noncoding RNAs
Yoon-Jae Cho (Neurology)
A Bedside to Bench to Bedside Approach to Childhood Brain Tumors [SUNet login required]
July 24
Sean Mackey (Anesthesiology)
The Strain in Pain Lies Mainly in the Brain: Lessons Learned from Neuroimaging of Pain
Nicholas Melosh (Materials Science and Engineering)
Yunzhi Yang (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Bio Inspired Approaches for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering
Sarah Heilshorn (Materials Science and Engineering)
Biomaterials to Improve Stem Cell Transplantation Therapies
July 31
Elizabeth Sattely (Chemical Engineering)
Antibiotic Biosynthesis in Plants: Implications for Plant and Human Health [SUNet login required]
Nigam Shah (Medicine)
Making Sense of Unstructured Data in Medicine
David Stevenson (Pediatrics)
Targeted Chemoprevention of Neonatal Jaundice
Judith Frydman (Biology)
Molecular Origami: Protein Folding and Misfolding in Health and Disease
August 7
Steven Boxer (Chemistry)
Matthew Porteus (Pediatrics - Cancer Biology)
Genome Editing using Engineered Nucleases
Sheri Krams (Surgery - Multi-Organ Transplantation)
Visualizing the Functional Interactions Between NK Cells and Their Targets
Robert Malenka (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Mechanisms and Functions of Synaptic Plasticity
August 14
David Paik (Diagnostic Radiology)
Imaging-Based Models of Cancer Treatments
Susan Holmes (Statistics)
Studying the Resilience of Bacterial Communities in the Human Microbiome
Gary Steinberg (Neurosurgery)
Genetics and Pathogenesis of Moyamoya Disease
Anthony Oro (Dermatology)
Hedgehog and the Race Against Tumor Evolution [SUNet login required]
August 21
Andrew Fire (Pathology)
The Difficulties of Genome Engineering and What We Can Learn from Them
Ravindra Majeti (Medicine - Hematology)
Therapeutic Targeting of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells
James McClelland (Psychology)
Joseph Wu (Cardiovascular Medicine)
iPSCs for Cardiovascular Diseases
August 28
Alesha Castillo (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
Mechanical Stimulation in Bone Adaptation and Healing [SUNet login required]
Michael Snyder (Genetics)
Getting Your Genome Sequenced: What Can You Learn?
Irv Weissman (Pathology)
Normal and Neoplastic Stem Cells
Heng Zhao (Neurosurgery)
The Protective Effects of Ischemic Postconditioning Against Stroke