Jamin Hein: Using spectrally encoded peptide-based libraries to define the polo-like kinase 2 tumor suppressor role Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Martha Cyert - Professor of Biology Polly Fordyce - Associate Professor of Bioengineering and of Genetics Fellow - Jamin Hein - 2017
Johanne Justesen: Harnessing the power of time and genetics: Combining data from biobanks, medical records and molecular technologies to decipher cardio-metabolic disease origin and onset Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Manuel Rivas - Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science Joshua W. Knowles - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) Fellow - Johanne Justesen - 2017
Anton Smith: Biomimetic polymers facilitating biopharmaceutical applications Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Eric Appel - Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Andrew Spakowitz - Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics Fellow - Anton Smith - 2018
Andrew Spakowitz - Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics
Michael Westberg: Orthogonal Optogenetic Control of Synapse Signaling Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Michael Lin - Associate Professor of Neurobiology, of Bioengineering and (by courtesy) of Chemical & Systems Biology Possu Huang - Assistant Professor of Bioengineering Fellow - Michael Westberg - 2018
Michael Lin - Associate Professor of Neurobiology, of Bioengineering and (by courtesy) of Chemical & Systems Biology
Theresia Schnurr: Identifying causal genes and mechanisms of action in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease towards drug target discovery Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Joshua W. Knowles - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) Euan Ashley - Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor of Genomics & Precision Health, Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), of Genetics, of Biomedical Data Science and (by courtesy) of Pathology Fellow - Theresia Schnurr - 2019
Euan Ashley - Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor of Genomics & Precision Health, Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), of Genetics, of Biomedical Data Science and (by courtesy) of Pathology
Silas Nissen: Mechanism of core planar cell polarity complex function elucidated with single-molecule methods Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Jeffrey Axelrod - Professor of Pathology Alexander Dunn - Professor of Chemical Engineering Fellow - Silas Nissen - 2020
Josefine Eilsø Nielsen: Deconstructing Alzheimer’s Disease and type 2 Diabetes – a molecular study on Amyloid binding partners using electrons, X-rays and neutrons Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering Mehrdad Shamloo - Professor (Research) of Neurosurgery and (by courtesy) of Neurology Wah Chiu - Professor of Photon Science, Bioengineering, and of Microbiology & Immunology Fellow - Josefine Eilsø Nielsen - 2021
Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering
Muhammad Ahmed Khan: SmartRehab: Design and Development of Brain-Controlled Smart and Portable Rehabilitation Kit for Home-Based Stroke Recovery Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Kimford Meador - Professor of Neurology Maarten Lansberg - Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery Ada Poon - Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Fellow - Muhammad Ahmed Khan - 2021
Maarten Lansberg - Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery
Sadegh Ghorbani: Neuroregeneration in the peripheral nervous system facilitated by adaptable multifunctional nerve guidance conduit containing immunomodulatory agents Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Paul George - Assistant Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences Sarah Heilshorn - Director of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and (by courtesy) of Bioengineering and of Chemical Engineering Fellow - Sadegh Ghorbani - 2022
Sarah Heilshorn - Director of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and (by courtesy) of Bioengineering and of Chemical Engineering
Margherita Ronchini: iSkin - Intelligent Skin: neuromorphic-enabled multi-modal tactile sensing Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Zhenan Bao - K. K. Lee Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor (by courtesy) of Materials Science & Engineering and Chemistry Fellow - Margherita Ronchini - 2022
Zhenan Bao - K. K. Lee Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor (by courtesy) of Materials Science & Engineering and Chemistry
Ulrike Kuehbacher: Uncovering the role of replication fork remodelers in replication stress using single-molecule biophysics Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Karlene Cimprich - Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology and (by courtesy) of Chemistry Fellow - Ulrike Kuehbacher - 2023
Else Holmfred: Drug counterfeits Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Page Chamberlain - Professor of Environmental Earth System Science and (by courtesy) of Geological and Environmental Sciences Fellow - Else Holmfred - 2023
Page Chamberlain - Professor of Environmental Earth System Science and (by courtesy) of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Ninna Rossen: Engineering a tissue-mimicking platform to assess cancer metastasis therapy in vivo Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Amato J. Giaccia - Jack, Lulu and Sam Willson Professor, Professor of Radiation Oncology, and (by courtesy) of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Surgery Sarah Heilshorn - Director of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and (by courtesy) of Bioengineering and of Chemical Engineering Fellow - Ninna Rossen - 2015
Amato J. Giaccia - Jack, Lulu and Sam Willson Professor, Professor of Radiation Oncology, and (by courtesy) of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Surgery
Sarah Heilshorn - Director of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and (by courtesy) of Bioengineering and of Chemical Engineering
Ekaterina Kozaeva: Accessing host reliance potential through microbial interactions using a synthetic community during abiotic stress Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Jennifer Brophy - Assistant Professor of Bioengineering Fellow - Ekaterina Kozaeva - 2023
Rasmus Fonseca: An Integrative Study of the Activation Mechanism of Heterotrimeric Protein Gs Complexes Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Brian Kobilka - Helene Irwin Fagan Chair in Cardiology and Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular), of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, and (by courtesy) of Chemical and Systems Biology Michael Levitt - Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor in Cancer Research in the School of Medicine and Professor of Structural Biology and (by courtesy) of Computer Science Fellow - Rasmus Fonseca - 2015
Brian Kobilka - Helene Irwin Fagan Chair in Cardiology and Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular), of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, and (by courtesy) of Chemical and Systems Biology
Michael Levitt - Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor in Cancer Research in the School of Medicine and Professor of Structural Biology and (by courtesy) of Computer Science
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen: First Principles Simulation of Photoinduced Processes in Proteins Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Todd Martinez - David Mulvane Ehrsam and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor in Chemistry and Professor of Photon Science Fellow - Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen - 2024
Todd Martinez - David Mulvane Ehrsam and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor in Chemistry and Professor of Photon Science
Tue Herlau: Reliable inference of dynamical brain networks from multi-subject fMRI data Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Vinod Menon - Rachel L. and Walter F. Nichols, MD, Professor and Professor (by courtesy) of Neurology Fellow - Tue Herlau - 2016
Vinod Menon - Rachel L. and Walter F. Nichols, MD, Professor and Professor (by courtesy) of Neurology
David Reiner-Link: Decoding the Proteomic Secrets of Dopamine D2 Receptor Gene Variants Visiting Scholar or Visiting Postdoc Fellowships Ruth Huttenhain - Assistant Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology Fellow - David Reiner-Link - 2024
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