Home Department: Mathematics
Mentor: Margaret Fuller (Developmental Biology, Genetics, and Obstetrics & Gynecology - Reproductive Biology)
“Alternative mRNA Isoforms Drive Cell-Type Specific Protein Forms in an Adult Stem Cell Lineage”
When a gene is expressed in cells, it must go through a process known as pre-
mRNA processing as part of the transition from DNA to protein (the central dogma). This process can be regulated in many ways and can cause variations in the final protein produced, known as protein isoforms. A main question is whether variant protein isoforms expressed in different cell types in this way are localized to different parts of the cell, have different stability, or have special functions needed in certain cell types. To answer this question, Ishaan is studying the germ cells of male fruit flies, which are produced by male germ line adult stem cells throughout reproductive life through a series of intermediate cell types leading to sperm.