Home Department: undeclared
Mentor: Michael Snyder (Genetics)
“Exploration of Various Mechanisms Behind Microbiota-Mediated Protection against Type 1 Diabetes”
Type 1 Diabetes affects ~1,100,000 children globally, with incidence rising ~3% annually. The gut microbiome plays a key role in T1D pathogenesis. Certain microbial changes are hypothesized causes of seroconversion, but exact mechanisms remain unknown. Tyler’s study will involve treating human immune organoid systems with specific, cultivated bacteria that exhibit anti-autoinflammation properties through both known (SCFA-producing) and unknown mechanisms. SCFA/Butyrate-producing microbes are effective in mice, but their impact on human microbiomes is currently unstudied. For other commensals, Tyler’s hypothesis is that evaluating inflammation modulation through certain autoimmune-related signals (autoantibodies/cytokines) will elucidate additional mechanisms for bacteria-mediated T1D protection.