Headshot portrait of Jesse Ikeme - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2012 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: Biology
Supported by: Pitch Johnson
Mentor: H. Craig Heller, Professor of Biology

Jesse Ikeme is a rising senior majoring in biology with a focus in neurobiology. He is currently conducting research on the function of melanopsin, a nonvisual photopigment, and the integrative capacity of the mammalian nonvisual light response in Craig Heller’s lab. Outside of the lab, Jesse enjoys playing basketball and singing with the Stanford Fleet Street Singers. He hopes to attend medical school in the future.

Poster presented at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium on August 27, 2012:

The Integrative Capacity of the Nonvisual Response to Light in Mice

Jesse Ikeme1, Fanuel Muindi1, H. Craig Heller1
[Department of Biology1, Stanford University]