Headshot portrait of Aaron Tran - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2024 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: undeclared
Mentor: Nidhi Bhutani (Orthopaedic Surgery)

“Investigating the Effects of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Skeletal Stem Cell Fate”

Aaron’s project delves into the interplay between viscoelastic properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and fate of a skeletal stem cell (SSC). It has been identified that ECM viscoelasticity can affect cell volume, shape, and phenotype. Aaron aims to develop a mathematical model that can act as a predictive tool for optimizing matrix properties to guide SSC fate and specific lineage commitments. The findings could advance precision in manipulating stem cell fate for targeted tissue regeneration and therapeutic applications. The ultimate goal is to provide a nuanced perspective on the influence of viscoelasticity in orchestrating the destiny of stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.