Headshot portrait of Adam Grossman - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2004
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisors: Terence Sanger (Pediatric Neurosurgery), Scott Delp (Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering), and Krishna Shenoy (Electrical Engineering)

Research Description: Adam studied children with severe movement disorders in order to generate hypotheses as to the biological cause for their disorders. He collected data from each child—ranging from simple MRI and CT scans to more complex kinesthetic analyses—and hoped the data would help shed light on the specific locations in the brain that may be malfunctioning. Using this information, Adam designed further experiments to test these hypotheses and provide insight for better treatments and potential cures for these diseases. In particular, Adam was interested in determining how and why deep brain stimulation is an effective treatment for some dystonic children and what parameters of the stimulation can be adapted to optimize the benefits of DBS in these children.


Adam is a co-founder and VP of Emerging Risk at Praedicat, Inc., a company that brings the world’s scientific literature to bear in risk management and product stewardship, enabling a transformation of underwriting and risk management for liability insurance and corporate product stewardship practices.