Bio-X Affiliated Faculty
Dr. Macario is interested in the economics of health care, in particular the tradeoffs between costs and outcomes for patients having surgery and anesthesia. Dr. Macario has completed internationally recognized studies on the management of the operating room suite, as well as pioneering work on the cost-effectiveness of drugs and devices. He is Founder and Director of a Postgraduate Fellowship for physicians interested in applying quantitative tools to solve health services research questions.
Dr. Macario's research team has several ongoing projects including:
- Economics of Fiberscope Use for Tracheal Intubation
- Waste in the operating room: can we do better?
- Anesthesia resident education: Web 2.0
- Anesthesia Information Management Systems
- Translating what is known to work in medicine to actual care being delivered to patients: what are the barriers?
- Complex Event Processing (CEP) for the detection of Sepsis
- Anesthesia Complications Incidence Report from 500,000 Anesthetics
- Mobile Applications for Health Care
- Data analytics in health care and surgery and anesthesia
- Analysis of Online Physician-Review Sites