Headshot portrait of Brandon Lieu - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2021 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: undeclared
Mentor: Henry C. Lee (Pediatrics - Neonatal & Developmental Medicine)

“Evaluating Trends Learned From a Collaborative Simulation and Debriefing Training Program in Neonatal Resuscitation: Simulating Success”

California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative’s Simulating Success program was designed to help hospitals implement on-site simulation-based neonatal resuscitation training programs. However, the program was not just a series of hands-on simulation trainings—a significant part of the simulation methodology involved having a debriefing session post-simulation. By evaluating and analyzing the debriefing videos data received from the hospitals over a 15-month period, Brandon hopes to elucidate some common trends and lessons learned from this collaborative.