Headshot portrait of Christopher Cooper - Bio-X Travel Awardee
Awarded in 2022

Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Zhenan Bao
Talk Title: Ordering supramolecular structures from periodic dynamic polymers
Event: ACS Fall 2022 Meeting - Chris gave an invited talk in the graduate student award symposium and received 2nd place overall

Awarded in 2021

Talk Title: Ordering supramolecular networks within linear polymer melts to control material properties” and “High energy density shape memory polymers using strain-induced supramolecular structures
Event: 2021 Annual AIChE Meeting
Prior to attending, Christopher's abstract was selected as one of ten finalists for the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, and at the event, he was awarded 3rd prize overall for his talk, "Ordering supramolecular networks within linear polymer melts to control material properties."

Awarded in 2019

Talk Title: Rational design strategies for tough self-healing materials
Event: 2019 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting