Headshot portrait of Eva Gabriela Baylon - Bio-X Skippy Frank Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2014
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Marc Levenston (Mechanical Engineering) and Garry Gold (Radiology)

Research Title: Characterization of the role of osmotic swelling stress in the mechanical behavior of meniscus fibrocartilage

Research Description: Determining the structure-function relationship of the meniscus is important to understandingphoto of Eva Gabriela Baylon in her laboratory the onset and progression of osteoarthritis (OA). Osmotic swelling is the mechanism by which the meniscus effectively transmits loads through the joint because it is responsible for its compressive stiffness; in OA, the degenerated tissue has diminished ability to carry out this role. In this project, the role of osmotic swelling in mechanical behavior will be characterized by creating a finite element model and validating it using an experimental swelling model; the relationship between osmotic swelling and non-invasive, quantitative MRI-based measures of T2 relaxation time will also be assessed.


Gaby is a Staff Systems Engineer with Abbott.